CS224N-Standford lecture


First of all, This writing consists of cource Standford CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning on Winter 2021. And it also includes 2018 CS224n because of assignment 5 related to Convolution model based on pytorch and Colab(.ipynb)


  1. Week 1 What is the basic concept and Framework in Natural Language Process?
  2. Week 2 How to Calculate in Neural Network and What is the Dependency Parsing?
  3. Week 3 How to struct the Dependency Parsing and the Problem solved by RNN, Bi-RNN, GRU, LTSM?
  4. Week 4 Machine Translation, Sequence-to-Sequence, And Attention
  5. Week 5 Self-Attention and Transformers

After week 5, lectures explain,

  • (Week 5-6) QA
  • (Week 6) Generation
  • (Week 7) Coreference Resolution
  • (Week 7) T5
  • (Week 8) Language Model
  • (Week 8) Ethics
  • (Week 9) Analysis and Explanation
  • (Week 9) Future

But I want to learn more closer to contents related to Speech, so I completed this lecture and continue to CS224S.

