CS224N W2. Neural Network and What is the Dependency Parsing


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1. Named Entity Recognition(NER)

  1. Task: Find and Classify names in text

  2. Example

    Reference. Stanford CS224n, 2021

  3. Usages
    • Tracking mentions of particular entities in documents
    • For question answering, answers are usually named entities
    • Often followed by Named Entity Linking/Canonicalization into Knowledge Base
  4. Simple NER: Window Classification using ninary logistic classifier

    • Idea: Classify each word in the context window of neighboring words

    • Train logistic classifier on hand-labeled data to classify center word(yes/no) for each class based on a concatenation of word vectors in a window

    • Example: Classify “Paris” as \(+\) or \(-\) location in context of sentence with window length 2

      Reference. Stanford CS224n, 2021

    • Resulting \(x_{window} = x \in R^{5d}\), a column vector

    • To classify all words, run classifier for each class on the vector cnetered on each word in the sentence

  5. Binary Classification for center word being location

    • Model

      Reference. Stanford CS224n, 2021

    • Equation

      \[s = u^Th, h=f(Wx+b), x(input) \\ J_t(\theta) = \sigma(s)=\dfrac{1}{1+e^{-s}}\]

2. Stochastic Gradient Descent in Neural Network

$\checkmark$ Mathmatic for Stochastic Gradient Descent in Neural networks

3. Neural Network

$\checkmark$ The Concept of Neural Network and Technique

4. Dependency Parsing

$\checkmark$ Constituency Grammar

  • Two views of linguistic structure: Constituency

      = phrase structure grammar 
      = context-free grammars (CFGs)
  • Phrase structure organizes words into nested constituent

    1. Starting unit: words(ex. the, cat, cuddly, by, door)
    2. Words combine into phrases(ex. the cuddly cat, by the door)
    3. Phrases can combine into bigger phrases(ex. the cuddly cat by the door)

$\checkmark$ Dependency Parsing